What Is My Testimony?

What a testimony and good report regarding Stephanas and Fortunatus. This should be something we desire and strive to have spoken of us as Christians. There are some questions we could ask to examine our hearts, so we might know what kind of testimony we have in the eyes of God and the brethren.

“Is anyone glad at my coming?”
“Have I supplied what others were lacking?”
“Have I refreshed anyone’s spirit lately?”

If we are to be like Christ (“Christians”), then these are some characteristics that we should have because….

The body of Christ will be glad at Christ’s coming (2 Timothy 4:8). If you’re not glad at his appearing, that’s a whole other problem to examine and make right.

Jesus Christ has supplied all of the things that lack in our Christian life (1 Corinthians 12:24), and all the needs of the body of Christ for the past 2,000 years (Philippians 4:19).

Jesus Christ continually refreshes our spirit through his Spirit (Revelation 22:17) and through his words (Romans 15:4).

Jeffrey smith