Today, I climbed a mountain
There’s always been times of “Although”, as found in verse 17, where the joys and pleasures and necessities of life are no longer available. It can feel like a steep climb up a high mountain with no hope or help in sight to reach the peak.
It’s in these “perilous times” that we can draw closer to the LORD. He will give us of his “strength” to keep going. He will give us the “feet” we need to keep climbing. He will make our feet to “walk upon high places” so we can enjoy the rest and splendor and beauty of the mountain top. He will cause us to rise above the despairs and disappointments of life before sending us back down the mountain to help another who’s on their way.
Because of what “he will” do (or has already done), it should be said that “I will rejoice” and “I will joy…” If Jesus Christ is your Savior and you have the “salvation” of God then you have been given the necessary feet to make the climb and the walk successfully.
Nehemiah 8:10 says in part, that, “the joy of the LORD is your strength.” And Paul says in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again, I say, rejoice.” We can rejoice in “whatsoever state” we are in because of our salvation! We can rejoice because the God of our salvation supplies our every need. We can rejoice because we can “do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”