Cursed or Blessed?

There are two types of men in the world: Those who are “blessed” and those who are “cursed” (verse 5).

Neither has anything to do with the amount of riches or strength or intellect one has, but has everything to do with one’s dependency upon the Lord.

If your trust and hope is in man, your heart will be far away from God, and your spiritual condition will be dry, vain, and alone (verse 6). Though the lips of a man’s mouth may profess differently, the LORD searches and trieth the heart (verse 10). This is a cursed condition.

If you trust “in the LORD”, and if he “is” your hope, your heart will be close to the Lord, and your spiritual condition will be that of strength, growth, and fruitfulness (verse 8.). This is a blessed condition.

If our lips can not bring forth the praises of the LORD from our heart, it’s because the condition of our heart is broken and needs to “be healed” (verse 14). The Spirit of God by the words of God can do just that if we would humbly come, confess, and seek help and healing from the Lord.

Psalm 1; Romans 4:7; James 1:25; 1 John 1:9; Mark 7:6

Jeffrey smith