Making Light of a Serious Situation

Too often we are are invited to spend time with Jesus Christ in spiritual fellowship and worship (i.e., Bible reading, prayer, church, etc.), but instead we go our own “ways” having “made light” of the opportunity and invitation. Sometimes it’s getting caught up on things of the “farm,” and sometimes, it’s the “merchandise” we’ve saved up for only to be used on the weekend. Other times it’s just a lack of interest in spending time doing something that doesn’t produce “immediate results.”

The Lord has gone to great lengths (putting it mildly) to make “all things…ready” for us to “come” be a part of what he has “prepared” (1 Corinthians 2:9), and we miss out for one “valid” reason or another. If we love him, we will enjoy him, abide with him, and continue with him (John 15:9-16)

The “show” must roll on with or without us. He’d rather it be with us, but we aren’t going to slow Jesus down from doing what he wants to do. He will find someone else who wants to worship and fellowship and enjoy the splendors of it. We will never regret the times spent with Jesus, but we will regret all the times not spent with him. (Ephesians 5:16)

Jeffrey smith