Take Heed What Ye Hear

This command from the Lord is both an admonition and a warning. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10.17). So, we are encouraged to hear when the Spirit speaks while reading our Bibles or listen to preaching; BUT “take heed what ye hear.” Not everything we hear is of the Lord’s Spirit.

Eve heard something “scriptural” and “spiritual,” but it was the wrong scripture and of the wrong spirit (“Yea, Hath God said…”). We live in a time where “seducing spirits” and “doctrines of devils” are in the majority of the online and social media platforms. Perversions of scripture and of sound doctrine abound. If we don’t “take heed to what ye hear,” it won’t be long before that hearing produces the wrong kind of faith.

It only takes a “grain of mustard seed” to be sown and become great and shoot forth branches for the “fowls of the air” (unclean spirits) to “lodge under.” It only takes a little bad seed to bring forth tares amongst the wheat. It only takes a “little leaven” to leaven the whole lump, so we must “take heed to what ye hear.”

Allow for that good seed to fall on that good ground and bring forth fruit, while guiding and guarding that ground from bad seed that will bring forth corrupt fruit.

Jeffrey smith