The Reason For The Resurrection
This verse reminds me of the events that we just remembered and “celebrated” in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There are three chapters in the Bible that have 66 verses, matching the 66 Books of the Bible. In and of themselves, they are are “little books of the Bible” just like Isaiah.
1. 1 Kings 8
2. Matthew 27
3. Lamentations 3 (here)
Compare Lamentations 3:53, where “a stone” is “cast” upon Jeremiah, who is in a “dungeon” to Matthew 27, wherein Jesus’ life was “cut off”, and his soul was in a dungeon “in the heart of the earth,” while his body lay in a tomb that was sealed with a “stone.”
But, just as we know that Jeremiah was rescued from the pit, even so, Jesus Christ was resurrected from from “the pit” of hell and the grave. It is when we “recall to….mind” Christ’s resurrection that we “have….hope” of our rescue and deliverance from the dungeon of this body and this world, into a glorified body and into the glorious presence of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
1 Kings 8 gives us hope of that “new beginning” in eternity, and reminds us to be “joyful amd glad of heart for all the goodness” of the LORD.