Opening the eyes of the blind
Here, in Matthew 9:27-31, we have a beautiful picture of the conversion of unsaved men, who were blinded by the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) until the gospel was believed and their eyes were opened.
If there was an outline to the passage it might look like this:
1. The Challenge (vs. 28 - Believe ye that I am able to do this?)
2. The Change (vs. 30 - their eyes were opened)
3. The Charge (vs. 30 - See that no man know it)
Of course this is only a picture of salvation, because at this time there was no gospel of the grace of God being preached, only the “gospel of the kingdom” (vs. 35). This gospel has to do with the second advent and the millennium, hence all the signs and miracles that accompany this gospel. There is no salvation by grace through faith in the gospel of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection until it actually takes place.
There is also a truth here that is pictured regarding the child of God AFTER salvation. The truth is, that there will still be Bible doctrines and principles that we will be blind to until we believe by faith what is written or spoken about that particular truth (See the truth in the previous paragraph. Not everyone believes that doctrine/teaching.)
There will always be an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to enlighten “the eyes of your understanding” (Eph. 1:18), and it will take the same faith to believe AFTER salvation as it took to believe the gospel FOR salvation (Colossians 2:6-7).