Choices and Consequences
It’s all about the choices we make and living with the consequences of those choices.
Mary chose “that good part,” and Martha chose the opposite. Mary chose to sit at “Jesus’ feet” and hear his words, while Martha chose to be “cumbered about with much serving.” One chose to sit and the other chose to serve.
It’s hard to find fault in one’s desire to choose service over sitting, except the serving of one (Martha) was done out of a heart of expectation or duty, while the other (Mary) was done out of a heart of devotion and exaltation.
Whether you choose to sit or serve, “do all to the glory of God.” Martha chose to serve but Mary chose to sit. Martha expected Mary to do what Martha was doing rather than what Jesus was doing. Martha chose to serve and then tried to force her service upon Mary. Mary chose to sit and couldn’t care less about what Martha was doing or thought. She made no remarks or requests that Martha sit and be still and listen.
Make choices for yourself on how to “serve” God and don’t force that service on another. They may have chosen the “good part, which shall not be taken away” at the judgment seat of Christ.